Monday, 20 October 2008

America, I See Your Eyes (Los libros "rojos").

She was a teenager and I remember she always looked forward to reading the postcards her mom received every month from her friend who were in East Germany. She used to say that she admired that country. However, that happened a long time ago, indeed. Nowadays, she's living in another time, we're living another time. We think we're living another season. We are in America.

Did you forget the ideals that you used to fight for when you were young? Did you realize what you say: "Mexico is going to be like this country some time", like America... By chance, have you forgotten the Red Books?

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Being Sad

A Teresa Losada y Custardoy.

Se fue y no alcancé a decirle acerca de mí. Partió y siempre me vio triste; no pudo ver mi nuevo semblante, de reconciliación con la vida, ése que ha ido conformándose en los últimos meses, ése que será, de mi parte, el que honrrará su memoria.

Iván Islas.
October 19th, 2008.